The best thing about being a girl


The best thing about being a girl, about being trans, about being me - is that I actually like who I am.

I’m not saying that I hated myself my entire life and that I was totally depressed and now everything is just perfect!! That would be a complete lie - I was doing fine then, and I’m not doing perfect now. Transitioning isn’t a magic solution to all your problems.

But what it did do (and continues to do), at least for me, is make me much less apathetic towards my identity. I never hated myself but I didn’t really love anything about myself either. I didn’t share myself with the world as much - I still did some acting and I made stuff, but it was silly and disconnected from me as a person. It didn’t show people who I actually was or wanted to be.

Being a girl has made me more confident in sharing who I actually am, what I actually think, and being proud of that rather than shoving those parts to the side.
